
Thursday 8 December 2016

Learning how to code

Walt: use coding to programme. 
Me and my class had lot's of fun making a game on scratch it was really cool. I had fun making a really cool game. We got to create our own characters and make up our own games. We had lot's of fun learning how to code. You should do it some time. Just go on  

Monday 28 November 2016


Hi everyone I have learning statistics and I have had a lot fun. we have been doing a bargraph of how many chores do boys and girls do. here is a what I have been doing. 

Walt: I am learning to use information from data to create a graph

Thursday 24 November 2016

what is Education outside the classroom all about

Today room 7 have been using answer garden, and we were writing about what is Educating Outside The classroom is all about, here's what we have been writing about. You can already see that Many people have been writing ako.

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Current events - christchurch earthquake

I have been doing current events and I was writing about the earthquake in Christchurch, hammer springs. I had fun doing it. Me and my class have been gathering lot's information about it, we have been using the information site kiwi kids news. here is what I have done.

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Work your way through these comprehension readings tasks. Once you have finished and have answered ALL the questions insert your screenshot of your work into the table below. Make sure that you read the questions carefully and look for the answers carefully in the text that you are reading. Then blog your finished work.

Insert screenshot hereScreenshot 2016-10-25 at 11.04.16.png
Insert screenshot hereScreenshot 2016-10-25 at 11.04.16.png
Insert screenshot herScreenshot 2016-10-25 at 11.04.16.pnge
Insert screenshot hereScreenshot 2016-10-25 at 11.04.16.png
Insert screenshot hereScreenshot 2016-10-25 at 11.04.16.png
Insert screenshot here
Insert screenshot hereScreenshot 2016-10-25 at 11.04.16.png

Thursday 4 August 2016


HI I've been learning about how to be safe around animals it was fun learning, and I've learnt a lot Up there is my poster, and  I hope you like it. I had some help from my friends and my teacher, I've learnt a lot from them to. You can learn something from it and you can do it when you are around animals. Please keep safe and follow some of these tips. Please Leave A Comment. I will be very happy if you do.

Monday 1 August 2016

All about Cook Island

Walt; We are learning to write about cook island .
It was so fun working with my partner Lily please read our work I hope you enjoy

Friday 17 June 2016

Author purpose

I have been doing comprehension. By answering questions that you can't answer until you
read it.


Work your way through these comprehension readings tasks. Once you have finished and have answered ALL the questions insert your screenshot of your work into the table below. The blog your finished work.

Image result for reading clipart

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Bath bomb!!!!!!

Hello My name is kensington and I was learning how to make bath bombs. The people in my group is rororina, Tiare, Stephanie and me of course. We made bath bomb bombs with lot's of different colours. Up there is my label. PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT.

Monday 30 May 2016

Hey!- Poem, Cyber smart

Hello my name is Kensington. Me and my class have been learning about poems on cyber smart. We had to choose a book that our teacher has put out for us, and those books are journals, we had to find some poems inside of them and copy it down on a google drawing, and put a image next to it My poem is called hey.
Har it is right here

Thursday 12 May 2016

Friday 15 April 2016

Kensington Number of the week

Hello the post is about learning different kind of ways to make other numbers
and my number was fifty and I had to find out all the different ways of that

Thursday 14 April 2016