
Friday 31 March 2017

Top tips!!!!

Walt:  make a poster of top tips
I really enjoyed decorating the drawing.
What I found challenging was finding what colour I would put on, so I put on every colour.

Reuse and attribute images

What I found challenging was, finding the images to reuse them.
Walt: Reuse and attribute images
What I enjoyed was Finding different kinds of images.

Digital dig

Walt :
What I found challenging was Finding a good place to take a picture
I enjoyed finding shortcuts for my presentation

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Friday 24 March 2017

Whanaungatanga expereience

During this whanaungatanga experience on week 7, all the year 7 and 8 students had the experience of two days of fun,the purpose of these 2 days were all about having fun and building relationships with others, We went to polyfest and the pools. We also had a sleepover when we came back. I never went to the sleepover, I just stayed home, but I watched all of the photos and videos from the sleepover.  

On the 17th and 18th of february I went to polyfest and to the pools. At polyfest I really enjoyed going to polyfest because I got to look at all of the different cultures and I got to taste all the different food. And I got to go on newshub with all my classmates                      
I enjoyed this because I was so hungry when we got there, and I saw all of the food and it all looked very delicious. I also drank a watermelon sundae with ice cream. The highlight of this time was when I got to see some of my friends that I saw, that weren't from my school.
Image result for polyfest watermelon drink

I really had fun at the whanaungatanga experience, But I didn't go to the sleepover, so I just stayed home and waited for tomorrow. The next day I went to school and I got ready to go to the pools, Miss Aireen told me that I could go with her in her car, and I could help with doing the sausage sizzles and take photos of everyone. I felt a little bit bored because I didn't get to swim, but I had a really good friend to play with, I had my friend jose to play with, I also played with akanesi and constance. I also got to sit with aletheia and talk to her while we watched them play in the water, so I had heaps of company while I was watching everyone have fun.

Friday 10 March 2017

Explanation writing research

WALA: Explanation writing
Success criteria: I will research more to get a better understanding

Waterways definition

Walt: Make different definitions of water
Success Criteria : I will try to make a good definition of a waterway
Waterway | Define Waterway at

noun. 1. a river, canal, or other body of water serving as a route or way of travel or transport. 2. Shipbuilding. (in a steel or iron vessel) a depressed gutter at the edge of the deck inside the bulwarks, used especially when the decking is wooden.

Kiwican reflection 3

IALT: Explain the main points of the things that I did

Maths Problems

Walt: use division and times table to solve maths problems.

Wednesday 8 March 2017


Walt: Write about eels

The secret life of estuaries

The secret life of estuaries

The main idea of this text is to tell you that an estuary is the tidal mouth of very large river, where the tide meets the stream. One example of a supporting detail is that estuaries are known by many different names such as bays, sounds, inlets, harbours, and sloughs. Not all bodies of water with these names are estuaries. They must feature the mixing of fresh and salt water to be a true estuary. Another example of a supporting detail is that estuaries are vital habitats for thousands of marine species. Estuaries have been called the “nurseries of the sea” because the protected environment and the great food provide an ideal location of fish and shellfish to reproduce. Finally, it is clear that the main idea is talking about the estuary and how it works.

Walt: Identify the main idea of the text
Success criteria:
1. I will Identify the big message of the text
2. I will be able to find clues and evidence to help me determine the idea.

Tuesday 7 March 2017

On the weekend

On The Weekends.
On the weekend march the 4th me and my family stayed and cleaned up the house. While our dad was going to church to bible study about jesus. while he was there me and the others stayed home and played games. On that day what I found challenging was staying with my little annoying brothers, while my mum was busy doing work. After that when my dad came back we went to sleep for church on sunday, we always go church every sunday.When woke up on 7.00 To go to church. When we got there I first one to get inside then my dad and my brother wesley went in. 10 minutes later my mum and my other 2 brothers came in and we started to pray. After all of that we went down to have some food.When it was 2.00 we went back home and Watched tv and did other things like unfinished work. Then after all of that we watched tv until maybe 12.00pm then slept the school holiday on monday teachers day.

Friday 3 March 2017

All about pollution

Pollution is a very bad thing that can affect the world, There are lot’s of different kinds of pollutions, Like land pollution, air pollution, Water pollution, Noise pollution, and thermal pollution, and all of them have different kinds of consequences Land pollution is the destruction of the land that we walk on, land pollution can be made by people dumping their rubbish on the ground instead of putting it in the rubbish bin, It can also be made by cutting down trees too, people that are Mining can also affect the lands health. Air pollution is one of the pollutants that have harmful and poisonous effect to people. Air can pollution can be made by people smoking, and it can also be made by the smoke from very big factories, It can also be caused by fires. Water pollution is the damage of the waters that we swim in Like,

(Lakes, River, oceans, and groundwater), Water can be caused by boats leaving liquid from it, Or people dropping oil or petrol in it.

Walt: Write about pollution