
Wednesday 31 May 2017


Hello everyone I have been Doing some homework at home about 
algebra and I took a picture of it. It was really difficult to solve these 
hard equations but luckily I succeeded 

My brother learning video

My brothers learning video.
  Hello everyone My brother has been making a video on samoan speaking. And I hope you think it's good.

sugar film pt 2

Walt: Add on information from what we already watched
success criteria
1. Writing a necessary amount of information
2. focusing on my work and not talking to my friends
3. Making the right choices by moving from people that are going to distract me 

Hello everyone I have been working on a presentation on sugar film part 2. 
I worked on it with my friend akih and she was helping me do some work This is the one slide that I did. What I found challenging was researching for all the facts.

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Sugar film part 1

Hello everyone I have been working with my friends watched a film called the sugar film and we had to make a google presentation that refines sugar. this is one of the slides that I have done with them. What I found challenging was trying to define all these difficult words.

Thursday 25 May 2017


I have been working with my friend aletheia again.
what I found challenging was trying to read and understand what the graphs were


Image result for soccer

It was really sad that I couldn't go to the soccer tournament, but I
still had a good friend to play with. I couldn't go soccer because I
sprained my leg the day before the tournament.

Knee deep

Hello everyone I have been working with some people called biana and
monita on an article called knee deep.
What I found challenging was trying to explain the text


Hello everyone I went to technology today and I have been writing
a Poster on everything about me. I have lots things about me. What
I found challenging was finding the right picture to put on.

Wednesday 24 May 2017


Hello everyone I have been working with aletheia again and we have been working on
our maths. What I found challenging about my maths was learning all my times table and
finding the right answers.

Monday 22 May 2017


Today I have finished all of my second question for my maths and I have worked with my friend Aletheia. What I found challenging was trying to understand what the questions were trying to tell me. What I also found challenging was explaining what the problem was telling us.

My food pyramid

Hello everyone here is my food pyramid and I put my meals from my culture.
What I found challenging was thinking which column I should put each food
in. So I put some of the ideas in two columns.


Today I have finished all of my first question for my maths and I have worked with my friend Aletheia. What I found challenging was trying to understand what the questions were trying to tell me. What I also found challenging was explaining what the problem was telling us.

Thursday 18 May 2017

Monday 15 May 2017

Friday 5 May 2017

Whare tapa wha

Today we did a presentation on a video called whare tapa wha and I found challenging
how I had to say where I was at with the four walls.