
Thursday 30 November 2017


Image result for sweet chilli chicken and rice

Here are the ingredients

Thursday 16 November 2017


Hello everyone me and my class have been doing technology and this week we didn't do cooking because our normal cooking teacher, Miss Tuipulotu wasn't here today because she was at a funeral because her sister died.

But it was still fun today because we had a teacher named Miss heka and she had work for us to do. We had to write and answer questions on here and we had to do lots of different activities like word finds.

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Mauri Definition

Mauri Definition

Mauri means life force and binding together.

Te tuhi

Te Tuhi Reflection
Hello everyone I have been going to te tuhi and we have been doing roleplay and we had to come up with our own plays to show to present to our class and to act out old fairy tales and myths. Me and my friends chose to do three little pigs

After that we had to make posters with collage art and we had to draw on poster based on the story that we had to do.


Technology - Pancake and Ice cream
Hello everyone I have been making pancakes and ice cream with my friend monita the ingredients are
  • Egg
  • Vanilla essence
  • Milk
  • Icecream

Monday 13 November 2017

Playing soccer

Playing soccer!!!
Hi everyone today in the morning me and my friends have been playing soccer again with these other kid again. What I found challenging about this was when lots of the people we were playing with was kicking the ball really high and I could barely catch it. But what I also enjoyed was playing with different kind of people.

Thursday 9 November 2017

Te Tuhi

Te Tuhi
Hello everyone me and my friends have been working on the te tuhi trip presentation and I think this is a good presentation to prepare us for friday because all of us are going to be doing a lot of work tomorrow. What I found challenging was when I was trying to listen to all of my pairs ideas and try to make my ideas sound different from them. But what I enjoyed was when we helped each other with our work.

Monday 6 November 2017

Staying from school (sick)

Staying from school

Hi everyone I was feeling very sick this morning and I taking the day off school today and i'm really sad too. But tomorrow hopefully I will be back in school with my friends and ready to do some learning. I will also email my teacher and tell her whats happening
Image result for teacher
But I think it’s good that I'm staying from school because if I still went I would’ve came back and felt even more sick and I would have to stay from school even more days. So while I am staying I am trying to look after myself and make sure I can go school tomorrow.

Thursday 2 November 2017


Hi everyone I have been colouring in these papers and finding people to tell me compliments about myself, and my friends and my classmates have been complimenting me about myself.
We were doing this based on a story named wonder and the titles name was what makes us wonderful.
Image result for wonder
What I found challenging about this was colouring the whole thing and finding the right people to write compliments about me. What I enjoyed about this was when lot’s of people had  lots of compliment about me.

In the bus going to technology


Hello Guys I'm in the bus right now going to technology and it’s not that loud like it is with most of the other people here. While they are all gone to touch we are in the bus relaxing with people just talking and laughing.
I can’t wait to get to technology I wonder what we are going to cook this time.

What I always enjoy about being in the bus is when I sit with my friends and I guess what we are going to do or cook at technology.Image result for technology cooking

Going technology

Going Technology now!!!
Hi everyone me and my friends are going technology right now and we are about to line up. The bus is beeping outside and we are in a hurry right now, and miss komor and miss kyla are getting their things organised. I don’t think miss komor is going to technology yes I think I'm right. What I think I found challenging was listening to the bus driver beep the horn several of times

But we all eventually lined up and hurried ourselves down to the stairs.
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(I am learning to) IALT: tell the audience how I am feeling about this situation

Player soccer

Playing Soccer!!!
Hi everyone me and my friends Aletheia, Akih, Alone and monita have been playing soccer with these other people. I got 3 goals and my friends Akih and Alone were being goalie. My friend aletheia was mostly watching but she usually came at the right time. While we were playing one person was about to have a goal then Monita came and she kicked it right back to them. We had a lot of fun.

What I found challenging about this was when the other team had many people and our team only had 7 people inside it. But what I enjoyed was all of the people I could play against. But I think next time I could pass the ball to my friends so they have a try and gain more experience to get better and better.

But I really enjoyed it.

(I am learning to) IALT: Explain what I found challenging about this and what In enjoyed about this.
Image result for soccer

Good Morning

Good Morning!!! -
Thursday 2 November 2017
Good morning everyone I am about to go to technology right now and I am sitting with my friends Listening to Miss Komor tell us the roll. The bus is outside and we are checking if everyone is here right now. People are coming inside and we are ticking them while they are coming inside.

I can’t wait to go to technology becuase we are cooking today, I wonder what we are going to be cooking.
Image result for good morning
(I am learning to)- IALT greet and tell everyone what I am doing right now

Wednesday 1 November 2017


Hello everyone today I have done a writing sample with my class and we had to write about good friends and friendship. What I found challenging about this was trying to write 5 sentences in each paragraph, and I had to write 3 paragraphs or more. What I also enjoyed about this test was writing about friends because I have lots of friends. 

I think what I should do better about this was focusing more on my test and no talking with my friends too much because I always talk too much to them and thats why my teacher miss komor to another table. 

Math task

Hi everyone I have been working on a maths problem and it was a fractions problem. I had a strategy and my strategy was 20 divided by 5 = 4 and 5 x 3 = 15 so 3 fifths of 20 is 15 and 15 is the answer