
Monday, 29 October 2018

Kiwisport reflection 😀😀😀

Kiwisport reflection - Football 

Hello everyone me and my friends were doing our football lesson/ kiwisport lesson. First of all we went in a circle and we started doing jogging on the spot which was surprising called chopping on the spot. After that we had to go and play passes and catches.

First we had to even out the teams and put our finger on the lace of the ball and pass it to the other person. But then it started raining and then we had to go inside. After it stopped raining we went and played a game outside.

What I found challenging  about this was trying to pass the ball to everyone while we were being stressed by everyone blocking and running around us. What I enjoyed about this was getting to have a run. I think my next learning steps is learning the moves to this game.
Image result for football clipart

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Te tuhi blog reflection

Te Tuhi 

Hello everyone me and my class went to have a te tuhi lesson today and we were learning about abstract art and we did some abstract art. We learnt about the technology that we use now, like controllers, laptops, and other technologies.
Related image

After that we went and had some morning tea. We were looking at different exhibitions and talking about their inspirations and where they were originated. We talked about the tongan symbols and how they originated from the european culture. but then this artist changed the symbols into symbols that were more tongan based. After we went and we looked at some pictures. we talked about this picture with this person giving the english captain James Cook some gifts I don't the name of this person but I when I find out tell you on the comments. After that we went to a showcase of artworks. Then we went and watched a movie showcasing some pieces of his artwork. 

Thursday, 18 October 2018

Te Tuhi - Abstract art - Part 1 - blog reflection 🖌✒️🖌

Abstract Art 

The different types of technology we use for abstract art.
Image result for abstract art

Hello everyone yesterday me and my class have been talking about abstract art and what we need to do when we're doing it. I think that when your doing abstract art you grab lots of shapes, colours and different types of textures mixed together. Abstract art is known to have creativity. In Lesson 1 of abstract art I saw that abstract art is used to disguise an object by using shape, color and line to disguise it.
Related image

What I found challenging about this lesson was trying to find all the hidden objects in this drawing with a bottle, a wine cup and a tea cup. I wish I could show you but I don't have access to it. What I enjoyed about this lesson was looking at all the kind of ways to do abstract art and the different colours and shapes people use to create it.

Abstract art can be simple

Image result for simple abstract art

I think my next learning steps for this is to learn more about how abstract art is a really complex and creative genre of art. 

What I learnt

I learnt that abstract art is an art used to disguise an object in reality by using shapes, colours and lines. Abstract art does not rely on a specific sketch but mixes things to create an effect. 
Image result for abstract art


Step 1 - Dice the onion and fry with mince until it its cook

Step 2 - Add vegetables and 1/2 c of water with 1 block of vegetable ox. 

Mince Gravy 

Hello everyone I went to technology and i cooked mince gravyImage result for mince gravy

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

What it Technology

What is Technology

Hello everyone me and my class were talking technology. there are different kinds of technologies like, Transport, Communication, Electronics, Environmental, Biotechnology, Constructional and many more.

Transportation Technology

Transportation technology are tools and machines used to solve problems or improve the movement of people and goods. ... Also infrastructure is transportation technology, including roads, rail tracks, bridges, tunnels, parking areas, ports and airports, and so forth. 

 Construction Technology

Students of construction technology learn the basic engineering principles and technical skills necessary to help engineers and other professionals supervise the construction of buildings and other structures.


Bio technology is the area of biology which is the study of the living system and organisms used to develop things like plants and things to grow. 

Image result for technology

Monday, 15 October 2018

My first Blog Reflection for Term 4 2018

My Holiday

In the holidays me and my family celebrated my birthday... We went to the restaurant called ghin ghas khan. This restaurant was the kind of restaurants where you do the buffets. A buffet is when we keep eating and eating food for like a certain amount of time. We were there for like 2 hours and then we went home and had a rest. I got some money from my cousin and I got some money. The next day I went to buy some things.

The second thing I did in the holidays was just staying home and watching tv sometimes I would go to my grandmas house and sometime I would go to my aunties house. I would just enjoy staying at home and doing my own things and eating, drinking and sleeping. Image result for Tv

I didn't do much blogging in the holidays, I was just watching my youtube videos, played games and did some other stuff.

I hope you enjoyed my so called holiday, Please leave a comment down below